1, the relationship between binding phase composition and alloy properties: W content on the hardness of alloy impact is not big, but obviously change the strength of the alloy, for high cobalt alloy, its strength increase with the increase of W content, while the opposite was true for low cobalt alloy. Abrasion resistance and W content relationship: W content is higher, the higher wear resistance; Alloy has a small amount of eta does not prevent use of wear resistance, but eta, alloy brittle.
2, the factors influencing the bond:
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The effects of carbon content:
(1) alloy normal two-phase (WC + Y) WC - CO alloy W content and carbon content of the binding phase relationship: bonding phase increased with the decreasing carbon content and the W content.
(2) the influence of cooling rate: if the cooling speed is too fast, WC can not afford time to precipitation, or the amount of precipitation is less, so that more W content binding phase. But when there are free carbon alloy, binding phase of W content is very low. At this time, the cooling speed of binding phase composition had little influence.
3, hard alloy heat treatment (annealing) : alloy after heat treatment, the bending strength of WC - CO alloy can improve 5-20%; Hardness increase by 3-9%; Impact toughness increase 15-30%; Fracture under alternating load capability is more apparent, can achieve 1 to 6 times.
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