
China's nuclear grade zirconium alloy products complete manufacture process

Our country with independent intellectual property rights of nuclear grade zirconium alloy products complete technology development with independent intellectual property rights in China's nuclear grade zirconium alloy products complete manufacture process Major progress was made in our country independent research and development of nuclear fuel components.

On April 2, 2014, China guangdong nuclear group, head of the science and technology research and development department Zou Yongping revealed to the journal of science and technology press, they have completed the independent brand of nuclear fuel component structure design, with independent intellectual property rights of nuclear grade zirconium alloy product trial process has been completed and the independent nuclear fuel performance analysis software has launched a trial version. Nuclear fuel is uranium, which was burned into small cylindrical uranium oxide ceramic pellets, piled up in the tube made of zirconium alloy cladding, make it their slender rods, and the fuel rods according to certain rules are assembled into a fuel assembly, is available for plant use. Nuclear reactor core containing hundreds of nuclear fuel components, the total weight of dozens of tons. Zirconium alloy based on zirconium base to add other elements, constitute the non-ferrous alloy. With the constant improvement of the performance requirements of nuclear fuel components, developed has good mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and radiation resistance of high performance nuclear grade zirconium alloys has been the nuclear main research direction of the advanced countries. Nuclear grade zirconium alloy and high performance in the high temperature and high pressure steam and water is a must have good corrosion resistance and mechanical properties of moderate and low atom thermal neutron absorption cross section, has good compatibility to the nuclear fuel, so only can be used as a water-cooled nuclear reactor core structure materials (fuel cladding, pressure pipe, bracket and channel), which is the main purpose of the zirconium alloy. Nuclear fuel component is the core component of the plant, it provides energy for nuclear power plant at the same time, is the first barrier to prevent nuclear, a direct impact on the plant safety, reliability and economy. At present, the large commercial nuclear power units used in the design and manufacturing technology mainly depends on imported fuel assembly.

To ensure the safety of the nuclear fuel supply in our country from the fuel assemblies of the core technology of others, in 2009 founded guangdong nuclear fuel research and development center, won the national energy administration after "the national center for energy research and development of advanced nuclear fuel element (experiment)" opening, and bear the national nuclear energy development project "PWR fuel element design and manufacturing technology" the development of the work. Depending on the product research and development, CGNPC within five years accumulative total investment funding nearly 800 million yuan, set up with international leading level of the nuclear fuel thermal performance analysis platform, reactor physics calculation analysis platform, integrated fuel assembly thermal test device, hydraulic performance comprehensive test device, mechanical comprehensive test device, pool detection device research and development facilities, such as established by the domestic and foreign nuclear fuel of senior experts and technicians in the field of research and development team. Currently, CGNPC has completed its own brand products have eight feet, 12 feet, 14 feet fuel components, high-performance nuclear grade zirconium alloy, nuclear fuel performance analysis software package, such as product development, at the same time to carry out the study of fault-tolerant fuel the next generation of accident. Zou Yongping said, these research results can meet the three generation of nuclear power technology in China "hualong number one" the needs of the construction and operation, will also be carrying nuclear power units under construction in China is upgrading "Chinese core" to provide more product choice, for the safe and stable operation of domestic nuclear power units in the escort.

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